As parents, we know that sometimes it can be a bit difficult keeping the little ones engaged and happy when going out to a restaurant. As parents, it can feel overwhelming trying to enjoy a night out and also trying to keep your children from having a complete meltdown.
If your children enjoy electronics and you allow for screen time, ensure that your child’s tablet is charged and ready to go before you leave the house.
If, however, you are trying to avoid screen time, here are some ways to keep the kiddos happy so that you can enjoy the night out that you deserve.
Prepping is key, pack things that you know your children like. For example, if your child likes to color or read books, you can pack those and bring them to the restaurant to do while waiting on your meal.
If your children are already hungry, the last thing you want to do is add to the frustration of ordering and waiting another 30 minutes or more for your meal to be prepared. Here’s a trick, call in a snack or meal that your child loves as a “to-go” meal. When you are seated in the restaurant, you now have a meal or snack that your children can eat while you unwind.
Play iSPY, look around at the restaurant, play iSPY and play it with everyone around the table. Spy something in the room without telling the other players, and allow for everyone to guess what you saw. The correct guesser goes next.
Play a game of “What’s Missing?”. Have everyone at the table survey the table to see what is there. Everyone will then close their eyes. You will then remove an item from the table and hide it. Everyone will then open their eyes and guess what is missing from the table, the correct guesser goes next.
Use the kid menus to your advantage, take the time to color with your children, and allow for them to color and do the activities in the booklet.